The California Democratic Party held selection caucuses around
winning HIllary Delegates
the state for delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. After the primary, the final slate of delegates will be assembled based on the percentage of the vote received by each presidential candidate in each Congressional District 14.
Coastside Democratic Club members Sabrina Brennan and April Vargas with Shaan Franchi.
The Hillary Clinton caucus for Congressional District 14 (Jackie Speier) was held in Burlingame at the Plumbers’ Union Hall, and was attended by approximately 450 people. More than 60 candidates were running to be delegates, and almost half of them attended the meeting and spoke in favor of their candidacy. The range of participants was great, with many diverse, experienced, enthusiastic options. The winning delegates were the three endorsed and supported by Congresswoman Speier, and the three youngest candidates, who are all college students. The winners were Lilli Rey, Melissa Cairo, Shikha Hamilton, Alexis Lewis (alt.), Ray Buenaventura, John Beaumont, Shaan Franchi, and Matthew Goldberg (top right).
The Bernie Sanders caucus for the same district was held in an Union Hall in South San Francisco. Approximately 150 people attended, including many from the Coastside. The winners were: Bobbi Ratley (Half Moon Bay), Bruce Jones (Half Moon Bay), Alex Hagan (Montara), Gus Peterson (Moss Beach), Elsa Schafer Ravel (Belmont), and Holly Cordiero (SSF).
Bruce Jones, Bobbi Ratley, and Thomas Peterson, winning Delegates