At its annual meeting on May 17, Coastside Democratic Club unanimously elected its board of directors for the coming year Club Officers are: Bill Kehoe returning as President, Dorren Gerrity as Vice President, Kathryn Slater-Carter as Treasurer, and Barbara Dye as Secretary. At Large Board Members are: Harvey Rareback, Fran Pollard, Dan Haggerty, Kathy Klein, Sabrina Brennan, Meg Fried, and Cyd Young.


The Democratic Club board for 2016-17: Doreen Gerrity, Harvey Rareback, Fran Pollard, Dan Haggerty, Kathy Klein, Barbara Dye, Tom Steyer, Bill Kehoe, Sabrina Brennan, Meg Fried, Cyd Young, and Kathryn Slater-Carter

Club members also heard presentations for candidates for local office. Frank Gerrity spoke on behalf of Vicki Veenker, candidate for Assembly District 24, sharing with Club members her background as a patent attorney and mediator. He pointed out that she is the only candidate to have scheduled a house party sponsored by the Club on the Coastside. No other candidates attended or were represented at the meeting. The Club voted to endorse her as a candidate for Assembly District 24.

For the position of County Democratic Central Committee delegate, the Club voted to endorse Sabrina Brennan and Kathryn Slater-Carter.

On Proposition F, for the city of Half Moon Bay, the Club did not take an official position, but unofficially voted to support the measure.

DSCF4218Board members presented president Bill Kehoe with an orchid to thank him for his hard work during the past year and for his willingness to continue leading the organization.