Modify the size and make-up of the Board
We are asking our membership to support a Bylaws change to reduce the size of the Board from 11 Board members down to 7.
The Board approved the following proposed change to the Bylaw’s Article V Section 2. The change is to help the Board conduct the Club’s business in a better, more efficient and manageable environment.
Most of the other chartered Democratic Clubs in San Mateo County have smaller Boards of 5 officers so, in reducing the size, we hope to make the Board more nimble, responsive and business like and ensure we can get a quorum for the Board meetings which are open to all club members.
Current applicable section wording:
Article V: Officers
Section 1. The elected officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any member of the Club may run for office.
Section 2. The Executive Board, herein after called the “Board”, consists of the elected officers, 6 elected At Large members, and the past president (ex officio).
Section 3. All elected positions shall be for a term of one year.
Section 4. The duties of the Board shall be to determine the programs and activities of the Club and to distribute a newsletter to all members.
The Board recommends the following change to only replace Section 2’s wording (the rest remains the same):
Section 2. The Executive Board, herein after called the “Board”, consists of the elected officers, and 3 elected At Large members.