Coastside Democrats Board Elections

Deadline for Board Nominees is Friday, April 14, 2017

We will have the election for our 2017-2018 Board at our Annual Membership meeting on May 21, 2017. The Nominating Committee of Fran Pollard, Cid Young and Harvey Rarback have volunteered to help with the process. Any member of the Coastside Democrats in good standing (ie. Registered Democrat and membership dues current) can apply with three(3) Club member’s support per the Club Bylaws.

Nominations must be received by 12 Noon on Friday, April 14, 2017. Nominees need to email the following information:

Nominee’s name as they are registered to vote
Name and contact information of Club Member #1 Nominating them.
Name and contact information of Club Member #2 Nominating them.
Name and contact information of Club Member #3 Nominating them.

You may add an optional 4th person for your nomination. Also optional are a candidate statement, background information on why you are running, committees you would like to chair (MEMBERSHIP, PROGRAM, LEGISLATIVE, PUBLICITY or FINANCE), etc.

You may also request a nomination form by contacting the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Fran Pollard (