At its annual meeting the Club held elections for the Board of Directors for 2024-25. The nominating committee, which consisted of Peihua Ku, April Vargas, and Harvey Rarback, proposed the following candidates:

Barbara Dye, President; Tyler Stone, Vice President; Claire Giovannetti, Secretary; John Dye, Treasurer; at large (3 positions): Barbara Lohman, Cid Young, Maryann Moise, Robert Brownstone.

Past Club President April Vargas managed the election process. She asked for nominations from the floor and none were received. Candidates gave one-minute speeches about why they want to serve. A statement from Vice President Tyler Stone, who could not attend, was read. Ballots were given to all Club members in good standing, who placed them in a marked ballot box. Former Club President Doreen Gerrity and her husband Frank counted the votes after Supervisor Mueller made his presentation and at the end of the meeting the following results were announced:

President: Barbara Dye
Vice President: Tyler Stone
Treasurer: John Dye
Secretary: Claire Giovannetti
At large: Barbara Lohman, Maryann Moise,
and Robert Brownstone.