Board members of the Club have the opportunity to vote on which candidates the County Democratic Party will endorse for the June primary. Most of the offices involved have only one candidate. However, there is a lively race for the Democratic nomination for Assembly District 24. The current incumbent, Rich Gordon, is precluded from running again because of term limits.
In order to learn more about the candidates, the Club sent them the following questions:
1. What do you see as the most important issues for the Coastside?
2. Have you had any contact with the Coastside, worked with any community groups here, helped with any issues on the coast?
3. Do you have any endorsements from the Coastside?
4. How would you propose to learn more about Coastside issues and the communities here?
5. Would you be interested in attending a Meet the Candidates night on the Coastside?
We received responses from three of the four candidates: Mike Kazperzak, Vicki Veenker, and Marc Berman. Barry Chang did not respond. The three responses are posted on the website, along with information from each candidate’s website.